active draft. a technical sketch. general, before special —alignment, before distraction


the exercise frames big questions:

which will evolve over time

  • What the f~@# is up with the world right now?
    • More specifically, how do we tackle the myriad, diversiform crises presently manifest across humanity ^[ Including fundamental, systemic scientific incoherence; pervasive human cognitive and behavioural incoherence – from individual, through organisation, to the species at large; escalating global and domestic division; fake information; population suppression; institutional corruption; and archaic life systems used to justify the objectively unjust ] ?
  • What would it take to make sense of everything, and be sure?
  • How is it possible that we have three fundamentally incompatible, incommensurable, philosophical understandings of mind and mental health, yet all claim the same mind, appear to help many people, and many people are helped by more than one, even simultaneously? ^[ The paradox ]
  • Why do we continue to suffer the frustrations and perils of ambiguous language? ^[ “There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words” - Thomas Reid ]
    • And why don’t we notice, most of the time?
  • What’s up with mind science?
  • What if most of our individual and societal problems were misguided misadventure, unnecessary, and preventable?
  • What are we missing by not generalising, and universalising, the fundamental principles of evolution? ^[ A precursor to biology, and the special case premise, of natural selection ]
  • How can we be better individually, and be better, with each other? ^[ Because we can, and we should ]
  • How might we objectively compare and evaluate ideas without bias?
    • And what if comparative reconciliation and evaluation across distinct phenomena was innate, objective, and possible today?
  • What is the path to artificial general intelligence?
  • What might societal reform around the operational mechanics of mental health look like? ^[ Perhaps framed by societal reform around dietary requirements of recent decades ]
  • Why are we here?
    • What is the point of all of this?
    • And what happens next?
  • How do we cut through centuries of outdated misdirection, to clearly, unambiguously, isolate and resolve the root cause of our present misadventures? ^[ “It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning” - Claude Bernard ]
  • What if all of these questions could be understood and answered in the same, shared, universally common, conceptual language? ^[ And it was far simpler to derive this language today, and consider all crises by root cause, than to attempt to tackle each crisis individually, and with the domain specific terms, concepts, and language, we historically use? ]
  • And what might our future –beyond the seen and unseen crises of today– ^[ Existential, experiential, and miscellaneous circumstantial ] even look like, anyway?