
active draft. a technical sketch. general, before special —alignment, before distraction   A brief history of the exercise A coherent worldview A journey A sketch for the field of artificial intelligence A sketch for the field of mathematics A sketch of universal common measures A unified worldview About About the exercise Abstract Abstract geometric cognition Abstract mechanics Abstraction Adaptation Adaptive autonomy Alignment Alignment before distinction An incoherent species And everything Anomaly Artificial general intelligence Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence alignment problem Aspect Aspectuality Assume a coherent universe Axiom Bibliography Causal architecture Causal architecture of consciousness Causal dimension Causal evaluation Causal precedence Causal state Causal structure Causality Cognitive operators Coherence Coherent universe Common measure Complexity Composition is for life - not just for sentences Compositional mechanics Compositional scope Consciousness Constraint structure behaviour Contact Conversations Crisis Developmental phase Dimension nature Disciplinary scope Elevator pitch Embodied messaging language Emergence Emotion Evolution Fixed autonomy Formal Foundations Fractional scope Framing questions Free will General case General special Human incoherence Intelligence Interpretation Intrinsic extrinsic Introduction Inversion Io Io - a sketch intro for bryan kam Io - streetlights and daylight Language Map of maps of territory Map territory Map territory delta Map territory fit Mathematics Matters for attention Measure Mechanics Meditation practice Meta-science Minimum viable theory Moc More is different Mutually exclusive heuristic Natural root Neuroscience Normal science Notes on writing On discovery fiction On emergence On principle primitive and method On the end of programming On the exercise On the incoherence of the scientific endeavour On truth On writing Paradigm Paradigm lifecycle phenomenological experience phenomenal scope Principal Puzzle space Quick list Range of motion Reason Reckon reason reconcile Relative alignment Revolution Revolutionary science Room elephants Science Scientific discipline Scientific incoherence Scientific unification Scope Significance Simulation Space of all puzzles Spaces Spatial framing Special case Structure Tasks Technical framing Test The axiom The exercise The fabric of reason The gap The improbable yet elementary case The map The paradox The question The reasonable path The view from over here The walk Thomas kuhn structure Tiyec Tiyec 1 Truth Unification Unified theory Universal common form and measure Universal common measure Universal phenomena aeim@2023-3-12....

August 6, 2022 · 355 words · aeim


map of content active draft. a technical sketch. general, before special —alignment, before distraction   the exercise Introduction About On the exercise On writing Framing questions Premise, principles, miscellaneous Foundations Tools for noticing Meditation practice Metacognition Isolating concerns Distinction Alignment Consciousness Philosophical understandings of mind The paradox The gap Anomaly Seeing past maps Analysis Measurement A walk The origin of reason Evolving sense Sketching a walk Mechanistic territory The logical system of mind Bugs in the machine Common things A journey The map And everything  ...

August 6, 2022 · 464 words · aeim

the map

draft notes not yet published. to bump prioritisation, contact @causalmechanics

August 6, 2022 · 10 words · aeim

a journey

  draft notes not yet published. to bump prioritisation, contact: @causalmechanics @twitter @[email protected]

August 6, 2022 · 13 words · aeim


draft notes not yet published. to bump prioritisation, contact @causalmechanics

August 6, 2022 · 10 words · aeim


August 6, 2022 · 0 words · aeim


Twitter @causalmechanics Mastodon @[email protected] Github organisation: thespaceofallpotential individual: causalmechanics –contact for access to post markdown archive

May 15, 2022 · 16 words · aeim

the exercise

active draft. a technical sketch. general, before special —alignment, before distraction Introduction About On the exercise On writing Framing questions Premise, principles, miscellaneous Foundations Tools for noticing Meditation practice Metacognition Isolating concerns Distinction Alignment Consciousness Philosophical understandings of mind The paradox The gap Anomaly Seeing past maps Analysis Measurement A walk The origin of reason Evolving sense Sketching a walk Mechanistic territory The logical system of mind Bugs in the machine Common things A journey The map And everything aeim@2023-0-2....

November 28, 2021 · 80 words · aeim